Good morning everyone!
First of all, I must say that Girona is not very far from my home, so it's not really "around the world" for me, but since it's not Barcelona, I decided to categorise this post like this.
So this summer I went on a day trip to Girona with some friends. It was unbearably hot, which was very tiring, and we were walking from one shade to another. However, it was a charming day and Girona is a lovely city which I really recommed you to visit. And if you do so, you can have lunch in Veggana!
Bon dia a tothom!
Primer de tot, ja sé que Girona no és una ciutat molt llunyana i que no és realment a l'altre cantó del món, però com que no és a Barcelona he decidit que aquesta entrada seria de la categoria "Around the world".
Aquest estiu vaig anar un dia a Girona amb unes amigues i amics. Feia una calor insuportable que esgotava molt, així que anàvem d'ombra en ombra. Malgrat tot, va ser un dia molt agradable i Girona és una ciutat molt bonica que realment us recomano visitar. I, si ho feu, podeu anar a dinar a Veggana!
Veggana is a vegan restaurant located in 108 Rutlla Street (Girona, Catalonia, Spain). It is specialised in fast food, as well as "tapas" and take away. It was my first time there and I really wanted to try it! We were four people and apart from our individual meal, we had some "tapas": a Tex-Mex Salad with lentils and bulgur and potatoes with sauce (similar to fries). Then, as main dish, I had a burger called "Mediterrani", which was made with a vegan burguer, tapenade, roasted red pepper and lettuce. Two of my friends also had a burguer. One was "Mar-i-muntanya", made with a vegan burguer and two sauces; and the other one was "Mallorquí", made with vegan sobrassada (a Majorcan type of sausage), hash brown and lettuce. My favourite one wasn't mine actually: it was "Mar-i-muntanya"!
The other friend had some pasta: tagliatelle with ratatouille vegetables and mushrooms. Also very tasty! In addition, I had the smoothie of the day to drink (instead of water). I don't remember what it had exactly (some pineapple) but it was delicious!
We had this delicious lunch and it cost less than 30eur all together (less than 8eur per person!). It was amazing: there was a lot of food for a small quantity of money! The place is very welcoming and the staff very friendly: they explained all the menu to us and made some recommendations.
The only negative point is that it's not really close to the city centre (you know, nothing is perfect...). But let's always look the bright side of life: this way, you will see some unusual part of Girona!
Veggana és un restaurant vegà situat al carrer de la Rutlla nº108 (Girona, Catalunya). Està especialitzat en fast food, així com tapes i menjar per emportar. Era el primer cop que hi anava així que en tenia moltes ganes. Érem quatre persones i a part dels nostres plats individuals, vam agafar algunes tapes per picar: amanida tex-mex amb bulgur i llenties i patates braves. Després, com a plat principal, jo vaig agafar una hamburguesa "Mediterrani": hamburguesa vegana, olivada, pebrot vermell escalivat i enciam. Dues altres persones també van agafar hamburguesa: una era "Mar-i-muntanya", amb una hamburguesa vegana i dues salses, i l'altra "Mallorquí", amb sobrassada vegana, hash brown i enciam. La que em va agradar més, curiosament, no era la meva, sinó la "Mar-i-muntanya"!
L'altra persona es va agafar pasta: tallarines amb pisto de verdures i bolets. Jo, a més, em vaig agafar l'smoothie del dia, no recordo exactament què portava (pinya sí), però era molt bo!
Entre totes quatre, aquest deliciós dinar ens va costar menys de 30 euros (menys de 8 euros per cap)! Va ser genial: una bona quantitat de menjar per una poca quantitat de diners. El lloc és molt acollidor i el personal és molt agradable i simpàtic, ens van explicar tota la carta i van fer algunes recomanacions.
L'únic punt negatiu és que queda una mica allunyat del centre de la ciutat (ja se sap que res és perfecte...). Però intentem mirar el cantó positiu de la vida: així es descobreix una part inusual de Girona!
And now some pictures of Girona / Algunes fotos de Girona:
Let us know what you think of Veggana! / Feu-nos saber què en penseu de Veggana!
See you soon / Fins aviat
Earthankful / Montse
Correcció lingüística / Anna Piñol
Correcció lingüística / Anna Piñol
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