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Winter Music Playlist

Music has always been an important part of our life and our friendship, a big influence in the way we see and experience things. That's why we wanted to share with all of you what we have been listening to recently, which is, somehow, our soundtrack for this winter. We feel that usually, seasons define the kind of music you prefer to surround yourself with; that's the reason why our winter playlist is quite calm and cosy. We hope you'll enjoy this as much as we do. If you have any recommendation please let us know!

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La música sempre ha estat una part important de la nostra vida i de la nostra amistat, una gran influència en la nostra manera de mirar i experimentar les coses. Per aquest motiu volem compartir amb tots vosaltres aquells artistes i grups que hem estat escoltant recentment, cosa que, d'alguna manera, ha acabat convertint-los en la nostra banda sonora per a aquest hivern. Sovint sentim que les estacions acaben definint el tipus de música que preferim que ens envolti; així, la nostra llista musical és bastant tranquil·la i íntima. Esperem que la gaudiu tant com nosaltres. Si tens cap recomenació, fes-nos-ho saber siusplau!

Alex Turner - Glass in the park

Annie Eve - Elvis

Dirty Beaches - Landscapes in the Mist

The fin. - Night Time

White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes

God Help The Girl - Hiding Neath My Umbrella

Josephine Foster - Little Life

Leon Bridges - Coming Home

Múm - Underwater Snow

Rodrigo Amarante - Hourglass

Rufus Wainwright - Dinner At Eight

Sibylle Baier - Girl

Sigur Rós - Glósóli

Timber Timbre - Demon Host

Tom Rosenthal - Run for Those Hills, Babe

Tulsa - Los Amantes del Puente

See you soon / Fins aviat

Earthankful / Montse i Clàudia

2 comentaris:

  1. Gràcies per les recomanacions. N'afegeixo algunes:
    Friends of Dean Martínez - Random Harvest
    Friends of Dean Martínez - Lost Horizon
    Snowman - Absence
    No son recents però son bons.

  2. L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.
