We usually talk about food here (or on our Instagram account) but we don't talk much about how we prepare it. I've recently been enjoying cooking using steam because it's quick, easy and the food is really, really tasty, as well as tender and fresh. Steaming is a cooking technique that comes from eastern countries but it has spread to virtually all the world now.
Molt sovint parlem de menjar aquí (o al nostre compte d'Instagram) però no parlem gaire de com el preparem. Últimament m'agrada molt cuinar al vapor perquè és fàcil, ràpid i el menjar queda molt bo, molt tendre i sense estar pastat. La cuina al vapor prové dels països orientals però actualment s'ha extès a pràcticament tot el món.
Two types of steaming vessels, metal and bamboo (source)
Steaming has lots of benefits:
- Foods mantein all their flavour and consistency and, most importantly, its nutritional qualities.
- All kinds of fats and oils are deleted.
- The food is very juicy.
- It cooks quickly, cheaply and easily (nor sticks or burn)
This makes steaming the perfect option for those who want to lose weight or follow a healthy diet. It is important to use fresh and quality ingredients.
Cuinar al vapor té molts beneficis:
- El menjar manté tot el gust, consistència i, molt important, les seves qualitats nutritives.
- S'eliminen tot tipus de grases o olis.
- El menjar queda molt sucós.
- Es cuina de manera econòmica, ràpida i senzilla (no s'enganxa, no es crema...)
Així, cuinar al vapor és ideal per aquelles persones que volen perdre pes o simplement fer una dieta més saludable. És important utilitzar productes frescos i de qualitat.
I've tried two different steaming vessels. One of them is from Ikea and it's actually from my mum (I gave it to her as a present). It works well and it's great for cooking a lot of food. The drawback is that you can (only) use it with few cooking pots (or only one - the Ikea one).
He provat dos tipus d'aparells diferents per cuinar al vapor. Un d'ells és d'Ikea i, de fet, és de la meva mare (li vaig regalar a ella). Funciona bé i és ideal per cuinar molt menjar. L'inconvenient és que només es pot fer servir amb una (o poques) olles (la de Ikea).
Source: Ikea
The other one is smaller and adaptable, so you can put it in different cooking pots. My mum gave it to me as a present and she bought it in a local shop, but you can also find it in Culinarium. It also works well and it's great for cooking for few people (so it's great for me). The only bad thing is that you can't put a lot of water underneath so you must control it every few minutes to make sure the water doesn't evaporate.
L'altre aparell és més petit i adaptable així que es pot fer servir en diferents olles. La meva mare me'l va regalar i el va comprar a una botiga local, però també es pot trobar al Culinarium. També funciona molt bé i és ideal per cuinar per poques persones (és ideal per mi). L'única cosa dolenta és que s'hi pot posar poca aigua a sota i s'ha d'anar controlant per tal que no s'evapori tota.
Source: Culinarium
I cook every type of veggies in there, but my favourites are asparagous (as you can see in this picture) and broccoli - really yummy!
Cuino tot tipus de verdures al vapor però el que m'agrada més són els espàrrecs (com podeu veure a aquesta foto) i el bròquil. Realment declicosos!
See you soon / Fins aviat
Earthankful / Montse
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